The day has finally come! After weeks of very intense hard work it is time to present to you our pride and glory... our project that has kept us hopeful through these times... something the instructors came together to work on... our PATREON!
There is so much to say but we don't want to overwhelm (nor type for 5 hours! ) so we are leaving you these cute and handy info cards to read through what we're offering. We have SIX shiny tiers, with a range of prices and content. Available and suitable for all levels, all types of exercising, all taught by qualified instructors to ensure your safety whilst also having a great time!
We have a guide post on our patreon that you can read for FAQs (, and if you have any more just ask!
There are over 30 videos right now uploaded onto our patreon waiting for you to come find them! Sign up today and get your GemsTone fix!
Lastly, we want to say we really appreciate everybody who has been coming to our online classes which are helping support us. But to be honest, times are hard, the studio has been closed for nearly 3 months now and the bills are stacking. Right now we need all the help we can get! So we've also added a donation option on our patreon. If you don't have space/time/equipment for our patreon but still want to support us in some way, this is the perfect way to do so. Patreon also allows you to customise the quantity (minimum £5) you donate, so if you'd like to help and can have a bit of money to spare, we'd really appreciate it if you could help save our happy place
Thank you for reading, and can't wait for sign ups to start!